For me, painting is not just a form of creative expression—it’s a spiritual practice. It’s a way through which I can deepen my connection to source, explore the mysteries of life, and inspire a sense of spiritual curiosity in others.
My journey with art began when I was really young. I remember at 8 years old teaching myself how to draw by copying cartoons off Kleenex boxes we had around the house. Throughout my childhood, and as a teenager, it became a sort of sacred refuge—a space where I could escape and get lost in the act of creation. Over time, my relationship with creativity expanded. I continued to draw while beginning to explore ceramics and mixed techniques, but it was always painting that drew my eye and seemed to me like the most beautiful art form.
In 2010, I decided to begin teaching myself how to paint, and just a few months later I had one of the most transformative experiences of my life—a series of synchronistic events and my exploration of psychedelics led me to a profound mystical awakening.
In that moment, I came to understand art as a form of channeling—a bridge between dimensions where higher frequencies could be accessed and expressed through the act of creation. This revelation completely transformed the way I approached my work, solidifying it as a spiritual exploration of life, consciousness, and the self.
Over the past decade, my paintings have become expressions of my ever-evolving understanding of reality. Through symbols, geometry, color, and movement, I explore the hidden realms of life and the mysteries of the unknown. I often tell stories of ancient civilizations and extraterrestrial life, knowing that these hidden histories hold glimpses of deeper truths about who we are.
For me, art is an odyssey of self-discovery—a way to channel my passion for mysticism, science, and esoteric teachings into something tangible, something that serves as a reminder of who we really are.
My paintings speak to the ineffable—those things that cannot be understood, only felt. The stars that appear so often in my work seek to create an air of mystery in my paintings. Is it not in those quiet moments of looking upon the stars that we remember there are things we will never know or understand? My hope then is not that viewers agree with my attempts at answering the unanswerable questions, but that they begin asking those questions for themselves. It is my belief that our primal, existential curiosity is what thrusts us toward our own evolution and toward a deeper, more complete understanding of who and what we are.
Exploring the depth of the human experience.
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