In the spiritual world we often hear or read about how we need to “raise our vibration”, but what does that even mean?
Personally, I don’t resonate with this phrase too much because I feel that it is used often without a true understanding of what it means. But, it speaks of something very real that I consider absolutely essential in our growth process.
It tells us that spiritual growth and expanding our consciousness has to do with changing our energy. It tells us that if we want to attract situations, opportunities and people that are more harmonious and aligned with us that on a fundamental level we must change ourselves so as to change our energy.
In today’s episode let’s explore this idea more deeply, and more specifically, how we can actually raise our vibration.
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We cannot experience anything that is not in energetic alignment with us. In other words, everything we see outside of ourselves is a representation of something that lives within our own consciousness. From this perspective we can then understand that if we don’t like the situations we are attracting, we must create the change within ourselves so that we can attract new and different situations.
If our own energy attracts the people, opportunities and situations that come into our life, and they tend to be toxic, dramatic, and based in limitation, we must explore what aspects of our own self are in alignment with these people and situations.
Essentially, this is what it means to raise your vibration. To elevate the quality of energy that you are giving off so that you can attract a more harmonious and more aligned reality.
However, I believe that there are many, many misconceptions around the idea of raising your vibration and that is why this is such an important conversation.
Many people think it means to not feel dense human emotions (anger, sadness, envy, frustration etc) and/or to fulfill external images of what a “spiritual person” is like. This is absolutely not true.
The idea of raising your vibration in the truest sense does not mean that you transcend your humanity and cease to experience human emotion and limitation, but it means that you find your most authentic path and create a life of happiness.
To help you understand what this means I’d like to share with you 5 ways to raise your vibration.
Even though it’s the simplest thing to understand, we often forget that everything we do and are depends on the amount of energy we have access to. In other words, the amount of energy in our own body.
If we are in a low energy state then we will perceive everything from that lens. We will usually be extra emotionally sensitive, takes things personal more easily, and feel emotions such as sadness, anger, jealousy etc. more often. We will also tend to perceive ourselves and our live’s from a limited perspective because in this state we are easily governed by our unconscious mind.
We don’t have enough energy to override our programming so we will get lost in the voice of the self-critic and perceive ourselves and our life negatively. We don’t have energy to do anything other than run on the automatic program so this is when we will usually fall into self-harming habits and addictions.
On the other hand, if we have access to a high amount of energy then we will perceive everything from a different lens. We will have enough energy to feel emotions such as happiness, hope, joy, compassion etc. We will have enough energy to create conscious thoughts and to re-direct our negative thinking into positivity. We will more easily come up with solutions and see things in a positive light.
From this perspective, we have the energy to create the changes we need in our lives. We are able to pause before we react and to act more consciously in our relationships. We will feel hopeful, and more importantly we will have the energy necessary to consciously choose our habits.
This is one of the most basic and important aspects of what it means to raise your vibration. To increase the amount of energy in your body! On the simplest level, exploring what habits (mental, emotional, and physical) are draining your energy, and which ones give you energy.
It is making the daily choice to eliminate the things that drain you, and to do more of the things that fill you with energy.
More energy = a higher vibration.
When talking about the idea of raising our vibration we have to talk about thoughts because, though we can’t see, feel, or touch them, they are energy that exists in reality.
On average it is estimated that humans have anywhere between 60,000 to 80,000 thoughts a day. Though we can’t know the exact number we all know from personal experience that to be human is to live with a continuous stream of thoughts. So, if we are always thinking, how much is the content of our thoughts affecting the vibration we emit into reality?
Probably a lot!
Even more than this, think about the fact that 95% of our thoughts are unconscious.
Not much of what what we do or think is actually a conscious decision and that is simply the nature of what it means to be human. There is no getting around it. This means that our unconscious mind is one of the most important sources of the quality of our vibration.
In other words, the contents of our unconscious mind and the thoughts we are repeatedly having throughout the day are defining factors of the energy we give off. If we want to “raise our vibration” then we must explore our unconscious, our mind, and our thoughts.
We need to make an effort to impregnate our unconscious with positive thoughts and to consciously shift our thinking throughout the day.
If we do this for enough time the quality of our thoughts will change and we will naturally come to have a lighter energy.
This is one of the most important points to keep in mind when talking about spiritual growth (which here we are referring to as “raising your vibration”).
Today’s social expectations of perfection as we can all see on social media has created a pandemic of insincerity and pretense. I say this truly in the most loving way because social acceptance is a true need of every human. When you live in a world that shames you for your human nature and emotion, it is only natural to hide and to self-protect by putting on a mask.
But, if we do not find people who we can be authentic with and if we cannot be sincere within ourselves, we will always be emitting a distorted and confusing energy into reality. In other words, if we are not honest with ourselves and with those around us about the truth of who we are, what we feel, what we think, and what we need we will always be emitting a dense vibration.
We will essentially be living in a state of self-judgment and self-rejection.
I will illustrate this idea in two examples.
1) A person that has gained enough self-control to not react externally to triggers may from the outside seem very “spiritual”. However, if within they are judging themselves for getting angry and repressing that emotion out of the idea that to react makes them less spiritual, then the very thing we perceive as being “conscious” is actually a manifestation of self-judgment.
2) A person that dedicates their life to charity and service because it makes them feel like a “good person” but who’s true passion and calling is to be a musician is living in a state of self-denial and insincerity. They have judged their own excitement because it does not fulfill their idea of what it means to be “good”. And so, externally they may seem “spiritual” but on a deeper level they are actually living a life of inauthenticity.
There are so many ideas nowadays about what it means to be “spiritual” and what a “conscious person” is like, but the truth is that most of those ideas are deeply distorted and confused. Spirituality and to be conscious is not defined by being a certain way externally. It is an inner experience that no one can know the truth of but yourself.
When you understand this you can then show up in life and in your relationships in your full authenticity because you have released self-judgments around what you “should” be like. Your mental, emotional, and energetic bodies are liberated of the dense energies of rigidity, control and judgment.
You allow yourself to be authentic because you have accepted yourself for who you truly are. Your own validation of yourself is enough so you are no longer afraid of what people may think.
This is a powerful reframe from the way people usually understand the idea of elevating your vibration. It is not about embodying the persona of a “spiritual person” as many understand it (vegan, does yoga, likes to chant oms etc.), but to be your honest unique self.
From this we can then understand that to be authentic is not only essential for our mental-emotional health but an incredibly powerful way to raise your vibration.
When you embrace your emotional nature and allow yourself to feel the full-spectrum of your emotions you raise the quality of your vibration.
This is very important to keep in mind because sometimes we unconsciously feel like many of our emotions are of a low vibration. We may think that when we feel angry or sad we are spiritually unworthy, and that our spiritual growth will be reflected by no longer feeling those human emotions. This, however, is absolutely not true.
To feel emotions is to be human. To feel anger, jealousy, and sadness (and all the other “dense” emotions) is an inevitable aspect of being alive in a human body! And to grow spiritually does not require that we move beyond emotion, but that we embrace it.
In fact, what makes an emotion a “dense” energy is not the emotion itself but the energy and thoughts that we surround that emotion with. If we feel like anger is a non-spiritual emotion and that it is reflective of being unconscious then when we feel it we will judge it and ourselves, repress it, hide it, and try to push it away.
The energy of rejection we have surrounded our true honest expression with is actually what distorts our vibration, not the anger itself. Not the emotion itself.
All emotions are natural and to allow them to move through us fully and completely without judgment brings light and consciousness to anything that we feel.
This means that one of the most important things you can do to “raise your vibration” is to allow yourself to feel fully. And more importantly, to explore your tendency to judge and reject your emotions, to understand why you do it, and to, over time, release this judgment little by little.
One of the simplest ways of understanding what it means to raise your vibration is realizing that the vibration of joy and happiness is the highest human vibration. When we are happy (truly, deeply joyful, not the fleeting excitement of achievement) we are vibrating in an incredibly high energy.
Sometimes the phrase “raise your vibration” seems to hold some complicated spiritual truth about how we are supposed to live our lives, but in its deepest truth it is actually about learning to be happy.
Learning to find joy in the simple things. Learning to feel happy for no reason (self-sourced happiness). Learning to let go and forgive faster. Making space for creative expression, rest, fun, pleasure, and enjoying our friends and family. Choosing a life path that is genuinely exciting for us.
Making happiness a priority.
On the one hand, this is incredibly simple to understand. On the other, in practice, it is much deeper because it means that we must honestly ask ourselves:
What does happiness look like for me?
Am I prioritizing success, achievement, and status above happiness?
Am I trying to source my happiness from outside?
What things in my life, in my person, in my choices are separating me from my own happiness?
Happiness is the natural resonance of the soul, and so to be happy is to align with our soul’s truth and purpose. It is the most natural thing to feel, and yet for so many it is one of life’s biggest mysteries.
True joyful existence is available to all of us, but in most cases requires a huge amount of personal work. We must learn to differentiate between the superficial excitement we sometimes call happiness and the deep joyful feeling in our soul that blossoms when we release the layers of limitation that separate us from our truth.
Beyond all else, honest happiness is the truest reflection of spiritual growth in a person, and without a doubt the highest vibration we can emit.
It’s very important to understand what “raising your vibration” means because it holds a powerful truth about the spiritual path. It reminds us that growth essentially is about changing our energy.
What many often do not understand, however, is that raising your vibration in order to attract a better reality is actually a consequence of deep self-work. It is not about feeling good all the time but about facing those uncomfortable truths so that we can grow as people.
It requires that we release the habits that keep us in low energy states, transform the quality of our thoughts, learn to show up authentically, embrace our full spectrum emotionality and learn to live a joyful life.
It is much deeper than just shifting out of a negative state in any given moment. It is about releasing the deeper layers of judgment that keep us from our most authentic existence. And, it is actually an inevitable result of any form of personal growth.
There are of course many more aspects of this idea that can be explored but for now I would like to encourage you to explore how much you are incorporating the 5 practices explained in this post in your own life!
If you incorporate them you will become a new person and this will always inevitably be reflected in the energy you give off. Your vibrational resonance.
I hope you enjoyed this post! A new episode is added to The Frequency of Wisdom Podcast every Monday. Make sure to subscribe to my newsletter so you can be notified! If there is any topic you are interested in me covering or have any questions, let me know! Thank you for being here.
Exploring the depth of the human experience.
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