April 24, 2023

By Claudia Esquivel

Birthing The New Earth

Welcome to the first episode of The Frequency of Wisdom podcast! After 13 years of self-exploration through psychedelics, yoga, meditation, psychology and many other healing modalities I feel that it’s time to share the key puzzle pieces for inner transformation that I’ve gathered in this time.

This a really exciting time for me because although I initially began my podcast last year (January 2022) in Spanish as “Mujer y Espíritu” I felt that it was time to expand the potential of the message and start sharing in English as well. Which led to a whole re-branding and name change, which I love and feel aligns much more with my message!

So welcome, and thank you for being here at this exciting moment and for supporting me at the very beginning of my journey!

Today’s episode is a message about the new earth. The idea that as a collective we are evolving into a conscious and harmonious way of living where we take care of ourselves, each other, and planet earth.

This is a theme that has come into my awareness a lot in the last few weeks and when I sat with what to talk about in the first episode of the podcast I realized that this topic is intimately connected with my personal process in this moment and even the reason for why I created the podcast in the first place.

What i talk about in this episode:

My own process letting go of my old identity in the last few months and year.
Why I decided to relaunch my podcast.
What is the new earth and why is it important to understand what it is!
How to shift into the earth timeline in which we are awakening.

Listen to the episode!

Blog Version

A new earth is being birthed...

We are living in an exciting time of individual and collective transformation. A moment in which many of us are waking up and recognizing ourselves to be more than the social roles and identities we identify with. A time where we are re-discovering the truth of our potential as multi-dimensional, powerful, and free beings. As spirits living a human experience. As eternal beings. As creators.

As we expand our idea of who we are as humans and see that we are not separate but part of a global family.

In this exciting time of change the idea of “we are one” is shifting from a mental understanding into a way of life. Transforming deeply who we are.

Guiding us to re-evaluate entirely how we are living our life.

What we are choosing to do.
Why we are choosing to do it.
And how we are relating to ourselves and to each other.

We are understanding that we are connected to everything.

We are becoming aware of the aspects of us we have hidden from ourselves individually, and from each other collectively for so long. So much is coming to life so that it can be healed!

We are recuperating our freedom to choose and to create life from the energies of love, expansion and joy instead of from limitation, fear and control.

We are realizing that we *can* choose differently, because we are remembering that we have always been the ones choosing this…

We are healing from our ancestral trauma and freeing ourselves from self-created rules and boxes that we no longer fit into…

It is an exciting time to be alive and I truly believe that in this critical moment all our gifts are needed and each of us has a part to play in this collective awakening.

Part of this has to do with realizing that we are not alone. That we are loved, supported, celebrated, and guided by life, by our star family and that the transition we are experiencing now benefits not only us as a species and planet earth, but the entire galaxy!

Part of this awakening also has to do with remembering that life is multi-dimensional. That there are many coexisting realities, timelines and dimensions occurring at the same time in this same now moment. Remembering that as quantum law teaches us, that all possibilities exist right now.

This means that the timeline where we destroy the planet and ourselves through our unconscious and selfish actions and intentions exists. It is a possibility in the quantum and indeed there are some that are choosing this path.

From that same perspective we can also understand that the timeline where we heal, save the planet and choose to exist from a place of self-awareness, mutual respect and love, harmony with nature and gratitude for the sacredness of life exists.

It is a real timeline that is here and is happening now.

Many of us have already decided to shift into this timeline.

Many have already decided that this is what we prefer. And actually, many have actually incarnated at this time to contribute to and experience this great awakening that as souls is extremely exciting and nourishing!

Remember, each of us as individual beings is its own universe. Part of waking up is about remembering that each of us is constantly choosing whether we are aware of it or not what reality we desire to exist in, and in this way constantly shifting from dimension to dimension. From timeline to timeline.

You may choose to shift into the timeline where you experience the self-destruction of humanity on planet earth. Or, you may choose to shift into the timeline where you experience the birth of the new earth. Neither choice better than the other. Simply two different experiences serving two different purposes.

But, as we so often forget our true power and freedom as beings, this message today is to remind you that the timeline of the new earth is a reality. It is a reality that is possible for you. That is within your reach if you so desire it and choose it.

So, how can you shift into this reality? How can you contribute to the birthing of the new earth?

It might seem complicated yet it is simple and profound. It all depends on your relationship to yourself as this is the primary relationship in your life from which all other relationships are built.

Learn to love yourself, to trust yourself and to prioritize your happiness and your health.

Choose to heal. Choose to go within and find your answers instead of depending on others to tell you what to do.

Stop feeding your fears and limitations and feel the excitement of knowing that you can be a part of a powerful collective of beings that are choosing something new.

From my own experience I have learned that though healing and evolving does lead to greater inner peace, acceptance, and joy that the process of growth can be and often is incredibly difficult.

So, do not misunderstand my message.

I am not saying that it will all be easy. I am not denying the presence of darkness on this planet and within our individual selves.

What I’m saying is that the rewards for diving deep into your awakening, empowerment and the expansion of your consciousness are much greater than you’ve ever imagined.

If you feel like you are being confronted by a lot right now that’s okay… It’s okay if your emotions are shifting quickly and intensely. It’s okay if it feels hard and you feel overwhelmed.

This is normal! As this great shift and transformation requires that the unconscious become conscious and often this means feelings a wide spectrum of emotions!

Just remember, that right now you are being given an opportunity to heal and to change and to shift into the reality in which we are the one that bring a new awareness to planet earth.

In which we are the ones that represent the point of change between the old paradigm and the new.

In which the old is crumbling so that the new can emerge.

I believe that if you are reading this right now that you are part of this global family of change and that you are needed! Your spiritual gifts, your talents, your passions, your presence, your energy is needed!

And if you resonate with this message but you don’t know what to do or how to contribute know that you can always turn to your higher self to ask for answers. Just know, that the answer you seek will not come in a detailed plan de-mystifying your life for years to come…


This clarity will come in pieces. This clarity will be given to you in steps asking you to trust the guidance of one step before seeing the next. Asking you to be willing to take action without necessarily knowing where it will take you or what will happen next, as trust is a key virtue of the new earth!

Trust in yourself! Trust in your inner wisdom. Trust in life moving through you.

So, allow yourself to feel empowered in the actions you take. Allow yourself to feel the great importance of everything that you do. Allow yourself to see yourself not as an individual making a small difference but as part of a collective that is literally “changing the world”. Changing the earth.

This is a message of hope. This is a message to inspire and encourage you. This is a message to remind you that big things are happening right now and that you have a lot to be excited and grateful for.


I hope you enjoyed this post! A new episode is added to The Frequency of Wisdom Podcast every Monday. Make sure to subscribe to my newsletter so you can be notified! If there is any topic you are interested in me covering or have any questions, let me know! Thank you for being here.

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